Friday, July 25, 2008

Family Reunion!

Thanks to a few of my cousins, we have pictures of the family reunion at Lake Tahoe. This is the 4th time my Mom's side of the family has gotten together, and this summer we had about 40 people to partake in the madness!

Here are most of the people who came -- 7 of the Welsh siblings and their families. (We're on the far right of the photo, my sister Kenzie to the left of me, and my mom in front. My dad had knee surgery a few weeks prior and couldn't make it, boo!)

On the first night we all had to pick crazy hats and wear them to dinner every night or risk being on clean-up duty.

Watermelon eating contest! My uncle Bob has won every year! We're going to have to read up on Kobayashi's techniques to beat him...

Here's a picture from the scavenger hunt. Teams got a list and had to take pictures of everything they found -- this item was "team pyramid" for Genaro's group.

Alright, that's all for this lunch-break post! :o)

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